How to Wear a Knee Brace Properly

Knee braces are a common tool used to provide support and stability to the knee joint. They can be used for a variety of reasons, such as injury prevention, post-surgery recovery, or to alleviate pain and discomfort. However, wearing a knee brace improperly can actually do more harm than good. In this article, we will discuss the importance of wearing a knee brace properly and provide tips on how to do so.

Why is Proper Knee Brace Usage So Important?

Wearing a knee brace properly is crucial for several reasons, such as:

I. Providing Support and Stability

The main purpose of a knee brace is to provide support and stability to the knee joint. This is especially important for individuals who have suffered a knee injury or have a condition that affects the stability of their knee. Wearing a knee brace properly ensures that the brace is providing the necessary support to the knee, reducing the risk of further injury or discomfort.

II. Injury Prevention

Knee braces can also be used as a preventative measure for individuals who participate in high-impact activities or sports that put a lot of strain on the knee joint. Wearing a knee brace properly can help prevent injuries by providing additional support and stability to the knee.

III. Post-Surgery Recovery

After knee surgery, wearing a knee brace is often recommended to aid the recovery process. A properly worn knee brace can help reduce pain and swelling, as well as provide support to the knee as it heals.

How to Properly Wear a Knee Brace

Now that we understand the importance of wearing a knee brace properly let’s discuss how to do so.

Choose the Right Size and Type of Knee Brace

The first step in wearing a knee brace properly is to choose the right size and type of brace for your needs. Knee braces come in various sizes and types, such as hinged, wraparound, and slip-on. It is essential to consult with a medical professional to determine the best type of knee brace for your specific condition or injury.

Position the Knee Brace Correctly

Once you have the right knee brace, it is crucial to position it correctly on your knee. The top of the brace should sit about two fingers’ width below the bottom of your kneecap. The bottom of the brace should sit about two fingers’ width above the top of your calf muscle. Make sure the brace is snug but not too tight, as this can restrict blood flow and cause discomfort.

Secure the Straps Properly

Most knee braces come with straps that help keep the brace in place. It is essential to secure these straps properly to ensure the brace stays in place and can provide the maximum level of support. Make sure that the straps are not too tight, as this can cause discomfort, restrict movement, and even negatively affect the efficacy of the knee brace.

Wear the Knee Brace During Physical Activity

Knee braces are most effective when worn during physical activity. If you are using a knee brace for injury prevention, make sure to wear it during any high-impact activities or sports that put strain on the knee. If you are using a knee brace for post-surgery recovery, make sure to wear it at all times, especially during any physical therapy exercises recommended by your doctor.

Follow the Recommended Usage Guidelines

It is essential to follow the recommended usage time for your knee brace. Wearing a knee brace for too long can cause discomfort and restrict movement. On the other hand, not wearing a knee brace for the recommended amount of time can reduce its effectiveness. Consult with a medical professional to determine the appropriate usage time for your specific knee brace.

Common Mistakes When Wearing a Knee Brace

Now that we have discussed how to properly wear a knee brace, let’s go over some common mistakes to avoid.

Wearing the Wrong Size or Type of Knee Brace

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to choose the right size and type of knee brace for your needs. Wearing the wrong size or type of brace can cause discomfort and may not provide the necessary support and stability to the knee.

Wearing the Knee Brace too Tight

Wearing a knee brace too tight can restrict blood flow and cause discomfort. It is essential to make sure the brace is snug, so that it does not move, but not too tight.

Not Wearing the Knee Brace During Physical Activity

As mentioned earlier, knee braces are most effective when worn during physical activity. Not wearing the brace during physical activity can reduce its effectiveness and increase the risk of injury.

Not Following the Recommended Usage Time

Not following the recommended usage time for your knee brace can reduce its effectiveness. It is essential to consult with a medical professional to determine the appropriate usage time for your specific knee brace.


Wearing a knee brace properly is crucial for its effectiveness and your overall knee health. By choosing the right size and type of brace, positioning it correctly, securing the straps properly, and following the recommended usage time, you can ensure that your knee brace is providing the necessary support and stability to your knee. Avoid common mistakes such as wearing the wrong size or type of brace, wearing it too tight, not wearing it during physical activity, and not following the recommended usage time. By following these tips, you can maximize the benefits of your knee brace and promote proper knee health.

If you are looking for a knee brace, consider the Ascender Knee Brace. This custom-made unloader knee brace can offload up to 40lbs from the knees in a knee brace that weighs under 1lb.

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Most braces are covered by insurance and the average cost is under $200!

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