What Are the Most Common Knee Injuries?

From the young and athletic to the older and less active, knee injuries spare no one. Knee injuries can stem from a myriad of issues, often causing not just discomfort but also impeding daily activities and life. However, there’s still a silver lining; most knee injuries can be effectively managed and treated, whether it’s at home for more minor cases or with the intervention of medical professionals.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the most common knee injuries, their telltale signs, underlying causes, and various treatment options, including home remedies, physical therapy, medical intervention, and the use of knee braces.

Strains and Sprains

Strains and sprains are most often the culprits behind common knee injuries that disrupt daily life. These types of injuries cause discomfort and limit mobility. Whether it’s the result of athletic pursuits or unfortunate falls or slips, understanding the nature of strains and sprains is vital for effective pain management and recovery.

What are the signs?

Knee strains and sprains typically present as pain, swelling, and restricted mobility localized around the knee. In some cases, bruising and tenderness can also accompany these symptoms.

What causes them?

Overexertion or sudden twisting movements often lead to these kinds of injuries. Sports-related activities, such as basketball or soccer, can often put individuals at risk of knee strains and sprains.

What are the remedies?

The R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) method has proven effective for minor strains and sprains. Rest the knee, apply ice packs, use compression bandages, and elevate the leg to reduce swelling. More severe cases may require medical attention and the use of knee braces.

Meniscus Tears

Meniscus tears, a common knee injury, can be painful and debilitating. These tears, often resulting from sudden movements or wear and tear over time, can hinder an individual’s ability to perform daily activities and sports.

What are the signs?

Meniscus tears can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knee. Those suffering from a meniscus tear may also experience a popping sensation when moving the knee.

What causes them?

Sudden twisting movements while bearing weight on the knee can often lead to meniscus tears. Aging can also weaken the meniscus, making it more prone to tears. For this reason, the demographic most affected by this injury is athletes and older individuals.

What are the remedies?

Treatment options for meniscus tears range from physical therapy and rest to arthroscopic surgery. In many cases, knee braces like the Ascender unloader knee brace from Icarus Medical can provide the additional support needed during recovery.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are common among individuals across all age groups and activity levels. However, they are often associated with sports and physical activity. These common knee injuries can incapacitate, hampering an individual’s ability to engage in everyday tasks.

What are the signs?

ACL injuries are characterized by sudden and intense pain in the knee, accompanied by a feeling of instability. Swelling and difficulty walking are commonly noted symptoms.

What causes them?

ACL injuries often occur during sports or activities that involve abrupt stops, pivots, or changes in direction. They can also result from accidents, such as serious falls or car collisions.

What are the remedies?

Severe ACL injuries may require surgical intervention, followed by extensive rehabilitation. In less severe cases, physical therapy and the use of knee braces can help support the knee as it heals.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee)

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, colloquially known as “Runner’s Knee,” is a common knee condition mainly affecting individuals engaged in activities like running and high-performance athletics. This ailment can be bothersome, causing discomfort and hindering physical performance.

What are the signs?

Runner’s knee typically manifests itself as pain around or behind the kneecap, especially when bending the knee. Activities like running, squatting, or climbing stairs can exacerbate the pain.

What causes them?

Overuse, muscle imbalances, or misalignment of the kneecap can all contribute to runner’s knee. However, as the name implies, running is the primary trigger for this injury.

What are the remedies?

Rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers can alleviate mild cases. Physical therapy can address underlying causes, and knee braces can provide support while the knee heals.

Knee Dislocation

While less common than some other knee injuries, knee dislocations are a significant concern due to their potential for severe damage and long-term consequences. These traumatic injuries can occur in various situations and typically involve the complete displacement of the bones in the knee joint, such as the femur and tibia.

What are the signs?

Knee dislocation symptoms typically include immediate and excruciating pain, swelling and bruising, inability to bear weight or move, and visible deformity or misshapenness of the knee.

What causes them?

Traumatic incidents, such as accidents, sudden twisting, and high-impact sports, are the primary causes of knee dislocations.

What are the remedies?

Immediate medical attention is essential for knee dislocations. Healthcare professionals may attempt manual reduction, followed by immobilization using a cast, brace, or splint. Rehabilitation through physical therapy helps restore knee function. Surgery may be necessary for ligament, vessel, or nerve repair, particularly in cases of associated injuries. Regular follow-up care is crucial to monitoring progress and addressing complications.

Finding the Best Knee Brace

Knee injuries are a common occurrence that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. This is why understanding the causes and symptoms of these injuries and their treatment options is essential for effective management and recovery. Hopefully, now after reading more about them, you have a better understanding of common knee injuries and their symptoms.


Whether you’re dealing with a minor strain or a more severe injury like a torn ACL, seeking prompt medical attention is important. You may also consider using knee braces, as they can make a substantial impact on your overall healing process. Discover our range of custom-fit knee braces suitable for a variety of knee injuries and diseases by visiting our products page or contacting a member of our team for a complimentary consultation.

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