What is the Best Knee Brace for Squats?

Squats offer incredible physical benefits to those performing them in the gym. They strengthen hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and all other leg muscles. They promote muscle growth, burn fat, improve lower body flexibility, and strengthen knee joints. 

Furthermore, squats are believed by many experts to improve hormonal balance and promote well being. They’re also a foundational exercise that offers many postural benefits. There is another end to the squat spectrum, however. As with all exercise movements, the form is crucial. Even simple bodyweight squats can strain your joints severely if your form isn’t correct. However, many gym-goers and exercise fanatics prefer to perform back and front squats while bearing high weights, which makes form even more important.

This intensity and increased weight present more risks of injury on both an acute and chronic level. Even with reasonably proper form, heavy weights can cause problems with one misstep. Knee joints during squats become more vulnerable as the pounds increase, as does the lower back and other integral leg muscles. Thus, a knee brace for squats can be a crucial protective measure to prevent such injuries.

Knee, Back, and Joint Pain

Around 84% of Americans face back pain at some point, while a third will deal with knee pain. There’s a belief among many experts that the two are often connected. For instance, knee stiffness and pain can impact your walking gait, causing the back to face excess strain that results in lower back pain. This connection between the low back and the knees likely means it’s no coincidence that these are the two most commonly impacted areas of poorly performed squats.

That said, sometimes gym-goers’ injuries can be preexisting or result from wear and tear. Conversely, they might result from an accident (e.g., a misstep while squatting heavier weight, although acute injuries can occur while squatting only one’s body weight). A knee brace for squats can help protect your knee (and potentially your lower back) if you’re dealing with the following conditions:


  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Knee sprain
  • ACL injury
  • Torn ligaments
  • MCL injury
  • Arthritis

Choosing the Best Knee Brace for Squatting

Choosing knee braces for working out–in general–can be challenging to find since range-of-motion is so crucial, and many braces can be inhibitive. However, a specific and demanding movement like squats calls for even more stringency in your search for a suitable knee brace.

An unloader knee brace increases a joint’s mechanical advantage by reducing the force applied to the joint. Using an unloader knee brace for squats will transfer weight and stress away from the afflicted part of the knee to the brace frame and thigh bone. Thus, the knee is forced into place.

Unloader knee braces are typically custom-designed from foam, plastic, and metal. They’re used by a wide range of patients (e.g., those with arthritis, osteoarthritis, and patellofemoral pain syndrome), extending to athletes and gym-goers who perform squats.

Functionally, an unloader knee brace for squatting shifts weight to an unaffected knee compartment from a degenerative surface. As a result, mobility is drastically increased, making it ideal for people squatting in the gym.

Alternative Knee Braces for Squatting

No other options quite match the functionality, support, and injury protection of an unloader knee brace for squats. However, alternatives are still worth exploring, as we’ll do in the following:

Prophylactic knee braces offer MCL protection to athletes performing high-stress activities (like squats). Unfortunately, these braces can hamper squats because of limited mobility.

Functional knee braces provide stability after knee injuries, offering compensatory support during exercise amid recovery. These offer some protection at lower loads (beware of heavier weights).

Knee sleeves can improve proprioception (the ability to sense knee positioning) to help perform the movement with optimal form. However, these lack the robust support an unloader knee brace provides for squatting and don’t protect against nagging injuries.

Rehabilitative knee braces are another option on the market. These are not good for squats as they are meant to limit movement to catalyze healing. Trying to perform squats with non-existent mobility is not recommended.

The Top Knee Brace for Squatting

Unloader knee braces are unrivaled in their protection and functionality during squatting. 

Many types of unloaders are available for purchase. Yet, very few match the standard and quality of the Ascender Unloader Knee Brace when used for squatting. The Ascender is designed with functionality in mind to help you get back to doing what you love to do – squatting in the gym!

Get started with your Ascender Unloader Knee Brace by speaking with one of our representatives. If you are still hesitant, feel free to contact us with any further inquiries before deciding on a knee brace.

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Most braces are covered by insurance and the average cost is under $200!

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